Monday, August 26, 2019

GP: Man Assaulted by Angry, Drunk Mob For Wearing MAGA Hat into Portland Bar - Expect crickets from the White House - While mocking PC, GOP civic nationalists like Trump, Hannity and Ingraham must work extra hard to avoid 'RACIST!' --tma

Image result for maga hat

A man in Portland took his wife out for a night on the town on Friday, and he ended up with a gashed and bloody nose, with two suspects facing charges, all over the man’s apparent support of President Trump. ...

(Unbiased?) Witnesses were saying that he started it by "pointing at his hat." Highly doubt this guy was walking around in a restaurant pointing at his hat. More likely responding to catcalls. And who said pointing at a 'Make America Great Again' hat justifies getting surrounded and beat up by a mob of anti-white thugs?