Tuesday, August 27, 2019

(Proudly anti-white) Yahoo News / AFP: 30 years after Berlin Wall fell, dashed hopes boost far-right - If you don't want to get invaded, raped and stabbed to Merkel-heads and MSM you are a "far-right hotbed." Biggest problem? E Germans not subjected to decades 'diversity' propaganda --tma


Chemnitz (Germany) (AFP) - A giant Karl Marx statue towers in the east German city of Chemnitz but, 30 years after the Berlin Wall fell, another political wind is blowing here as the ex-communist city battles the image of a far-right hotbed.
Polls suggest that Sunday the region's voters will deliver strong gains for the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), an ideological ally of nationalist parties now ruling ex-Soviet bloc countries Poland and Hungary. ...