Monday, August 5, 2019

HeraldMM: For Latinos, El Paso is a devastating new low in a Trump era marked by hate - Past 'hate' cites CA Prop 187 that simply tried to bar illegals from govt goodies - Multiracial societies end up cannibalizing whites --tma - Image: 'How to Raise a Proud Afro-Latino Kid,' Parents Mag

Image result for white kid surrounded by hispanics
'How to Raise a Proud Afro-Latino Kid," Parents Magazine

Working with immigrants for 30 years, Pablo Alvarado has lived through decades of antagonism toward Latinos. It came in political waves that washed over California, Arizona and other states. There was Proposition 187 in the 1990s, the Minuteman protests, “America’s toughest sheriff” Joe Arpaio and his hard-line policing tactics.