Friday, December 7, 2012

2012 US Election White Non-White Tipping Point



Ann Coulter lays out Hispanic demographics that should greatly worry GOP


"I apologize to America’s young people, whose dashed dreams and dim employment prospects I had laughed at, believing these to be a direct result of their voting for Obama.
"On closer examination, it turns out that young voters, aged 18-29, overwhelmingly supported Romney. But only the white ones.
"According to Pew Research, 54 percent of white voters under 30 voted for Romney and only 41 percent for Obama. That’s the same percentage Reagan got from the entire white population in 1980. Even the Lena Dunham demographic – white women under 30 – slightly favored Romney. ...
"An article by Nate Cohn in the current New Republic argues, as the title puts it: 'The GOP Has Problems With White Voters, Too.' As proof, Cohn cites Jefferson County, Colo.; Loudoun County, Va.; Wake County, N.C.; and Somerset County, N.J., all of which went Republican in presidential elections from 1968 through 2004, but which Romney lost in 2012.
"Smelling a rat, I checked the demographic shifts in these counties from the 2000 to the 2010 census. In each one, there has been a noticeable influx of Hispanics (and Asians, who also vote Democrat), diminishing “the white vote” Cohn claims Republicans are losing. ...
"Romney got a larger percentage of the white vote than Reagan did in 1980. That’s just not enough anymore.
"Ironically, Romney was the first Republican presidential candidate in a long time not conspiring with the elites to make America a dumping ground for the world’s welfare cases. Conservatives who denounced Romney as a 'RINO' were the ones doing the bidding of the real establishment: business, which wants cheap labor and couldn't care less if America ceases to be the land of opportunity that everyone wanted to immigrate to in the first place." 
     In my view, all this is not primarily about the hapless GOP. I'm not even a Republican. This is about what is happening to Europeans in all Western nations. It is now evident that if you want to demographically eliminate an entire race of people, the trick is not just to get them to fatalistically accept it. No, not good enough. You must convince them that being dispossessed and eliminated is wonderfully scintillatingly modern, admirable, enlightened and fashionable. And that truly believing this is so and demonstrating your belief to others will help you achieve ever higher social status. Of course many white Americans are not fooled, but enough are going along to make the difference. 
     Again, this wealth and genetic dispossession is something that must be rapturously 'Celebrated!' It is somewhat as if Jewish elites in wartime Germany had been throwing confetti and handing out party hats to their own people as they were boarding cattle cars on something called the Auschwitz Deluxe Scenic Express. I can just here the speeches given to the innocent upturned faces: "You are about to be wonderfully transformed!"