Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Newtown Shooting Jamie Fox & White Sickness?

     I have never been one to look at something like a mass shooting and say it demonstrates a sick society. Beside the fact that there are many police officers and others who would have given their lives to stop such a thing, to say that everyone is guilty is so vague that it is about the same as saying that no one is guilty. However, if you put various circumstances together, it is hard not to see a larger evil pattern of murder-suicide at work:

(1) Through decades of federally approved mass legal and illegal in-migration from the Third World, European Americans are being demographically phased out and replaced;

(2) Even "conservative" candidates for president and congress do not mention the above;

(3) It was recently reported that whites are not only rapidly dropping in numbers as a percentage of the U.S. population, but they are dropping in absolute numbers as well;

(4) There are vastly disproportionate black-on-white murder and rape rates, so disproportionate that the white-on-black rates disappear into the lowest of the crime count categories, so you can't really tell what they are;

(5) Even "conservative" candidates for president and congress do not mention the above;

(6) There are getting to be a significant number of cases of young white people pulling out guns and mowing down other young white people;

(7) Recently when actor Jamie Fox hosted 'Saturday Night Live' and announced how "great" it was that in his new movie he "gets to kill all the white people," the studio audience wildly applauded, an audience of white people.