Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Atlanta Symphony: High School Singers Too White

December 24, 2012, American Thinker

Racial Favoritism and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

By John Bennett
"Earlier this year, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (ASO) decided to disinvite two predominantly white high school choral groups from performance in the ASO's holiday concert. The ASO's decision was reportedly motivated by the high schools' lack of diversity, which caused a stir among people who believe in racial justice as opposed to racial favoritism.
"The ASO didn't admit that their decision was racially motivated  In fact, ASO vice president of marketing Charlie Wade offered only benign reasons for their decision in public. To get to the bottom of what happened, I used the Georgia Open Records Act to find out ASO's real reason for disinviting the non-diverse choral groups.
"Previously unpublished emails reveal that the ASO's true reason was to 'diversify the chorus' and to add 'a chorus featuring more African-American kids,' as ASO marketing VP Charlie Wade privately wrote. This is blatant racial favoritism, reflecting the exact opposite of the ASO's public remarks.
"The ASO maintains a website where interested members of the public can see exactly what type of diversity the ASO itself practices. According to my tally, which anyone may verify, just 1 out of 100 members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (ASO) is black.  ...

"The fact of the matter is that the ASO couldn't achieve diversity among their musicians if they tried. Of the musicians in U.S. symphonies, 87% are white, according to a 2008 study by the League of American Orchestras. There is a very good reason for that racial disparity: interest in classical music is not proportionally distributed among racial groups. 

"Hence the ASO president's goal of making 'the stages of the Atlanta Symphony... reflect the diversity of Atlanta' is an absolute absurdity. To reach that goal, the ASO would have to alter the cultural preferences of racial groups, and reallocate musical tastes among those groups, a goal not easily achieved in a free society, not even in public schools."

     Yet another example of  how the ever-more determined attempts by our ruling elites to force us all into an egalitarian mold are actually bizarre utopian schemes that only result in our being tied up into ever-more entangling strangling racially totalitarian knots, ultimately leading to our own dispossession, replacement and oblivion.