Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blacks Irish Italians Jews & Death of the West

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That (Jewish) 70s Show
"Yet I’d argue that the 60s, outside (of course) of radical politics, were among the less Jewish Decades of the Jewish Century. However, that changed following the Jewish victory over the Arabs, which laid the groundwork for the 70s to be the Jewish Decade, the era that set the template for the relative stability that has followed. ..."
     Obviously there are many exceptions to ethnic generalities, however, the decade of the Sixties was actually a period of their most smashing success. Their "radical politics" success (including Bob Dylan), which some might see as the single exception to their lackluster decade, was in reality the same decade in which the massive counter-cultural army was fully uniformed, armed and launched upon its '[not so] long march through the institutions.' The second pillar of that success was America throwing open her borders to massive third-world in-migration. Both taken together, now well established and metastasizing in all Western nations, if not stopped, will mean the demographic destruction of Western civilization.
     On the other hand, at least not so many decades ago, Italians and Irishmen (the Kennedy family and their ilk being another story) were about the only American men outside of the South who were willing, at least for a time, as in the case of forced busing, to defend their own women and children against being crushed under various utopian schemes meant to uplift and fully integrate a proudly anti-Western sub-Saharan people into the West, people who are indigestible and immune to Western norms and values. 
     Always pushing for airy-fairy non-ethnic universalism, in everyone but themselves, it is no mystery then that these uplifters are sometimes willing to endure random angry blows inflicted upon them by those they piously and melodramatically endeavor to uplift, since all of this still fits within the longer-term historical trajectory of a smoldering multi-continental undeclared war story that has been going on stretching back to the Pharaohs.