Sunday, November 25, 2012

French Need Anti-Racism Observatories?

France sees 'alarming' rise in Islamophobia

"French Muslims have become the target of a marked increase in Islamophobic violence and actions, as well as incendiary statements by politicians, over the last two years, according to a report by a leading anti-racism observatory.

"The number of racist acts against Muslims in France is increasing “alarmingly”, according to the country’s National Observatory of Islamophobia, whose president has called for overt Islamophobia to be taken as seriously as anti-Semitism, which is a criminal offence in France. ..."

--France 24, International News, 11/21/2012

"a leading anti-racism observatory"? 

Meaning that the French not only need an anti-racism observatory, but possibly lots of them? Sounds expensive. Couldn't they just get by with a good supply of binoculars? 

Seriously, of course all this is part of the script that whites must follow worldwide. Not only are we either rabid racists or our niceness and reasonableness are only part of an outer shell that hides our subtle subconscious rabid racism, but racism is always, always said to be on the rise, usually alarmingly, dramatically or markedly so. 

It reminds me of a time several months back when I was a regular reader of a blog that delivered a French word each day, coming from a writer vineyard-owner in the South of France. One day the blog mentioned that "racism is said to be on the rise." I wrote in the comment section that in my lifetime racism has been on the rise so many times that by now it must be located somewhere between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Well, after that whenever I tried to post a comment, which was rarely, a message came back: "This site is not accepting your data."

I don't read that otherwise fine blog anymore, but somehow it is a source of perverse pride that I, little old me, quietly residing in the foothills of the California Sierra Nevada, am so far beyond the pale of human decency that I am banned on a French-instruction-writer-vintner website in the South of France. Maybe my remark fell under the all-seeing eyes of one of those intrepid high-powered French anti-racism observatories. 

By the way, I hope those anti-racism observatories realize that if they are using a refractor lens, instead of a reflector, and unless they are also utilizing a correcting prism, they have been viewing French Islamophobic racism upside-down. So maybe it is dramatically going down!