Wednesday, November 14, 2012

White Democrats Screaming Away Into the Night?

HURT: In sum, Democrats see voters as isolated parts

"All the nerdy political gurus with their chalkboard tablets on cable news have spoken, and it is official: Identity politics won President Obama’s re-election last week.

"Analysts on all sides tell us Republicans have drifted away from the quiet majority, which is rapidly losing its white pigmentation. Republicans don’t know how to speak to women, they say. Hispanics don’t relate to this party of supposedly rich, white — and most certainly racist! — men.

"Democrats, meanwhile, have mastered the seedy art of slicing and dicing the electorate into racial, gender and social identities and then herding each group around with phony issues using special “dog whistles” that only those in each group can hear." 

It does not seem to occur to white Democratic Party leaders and members that eventually the multitudinous minorities making up the majority of their party will look around and ask why are whites like Pelosi and Reid even running their party, and begin pushing whites out of their party's leadership and electoral positions. 

When this happens the Democratic Party will start functioning the same way that majority black and Latino cities and towns are operating now that minorities have taken over their city councils and other offices. 

After this occurs to the Democratic Party and the inevitable dysfunctional consequences begin to take place, what will stop white Democrats from fleeing the Democratic Party the same way they run screaming away into the night, just like white Republicans, independents and libertarians do, from minority neighborhoods and schools? Of course in the case of white liberals, at the time continuing to yammer the same hypocritical mantra: "Celebrate diversity!"