National Forest Service regulations require a permit for special use of public lands, unless explicitly exempted. Yet, despite these rules, the Service somehow determined that no permit was required for an Idaho contest in which up to 500 participants would march onto public lands in January to kill as many wolves, coyotes and other wildlife as possible.
By failing to require a permit for this event hosted by the misnamed "Idaho for Wildlife," the Forest Service has shirked its duty as stewards of our public lands.
Please take the time to tell the Forest Service this is unacceptable.
Lands in the Salmon-Challis National Forest provide critical habitat for wolves and other wildlife. And using these public lands for a commercial derby with no environmental analysis violates the Forest Service's mandate to protect our shared resources.
Moreover, it's been made abundantly clear that the general public does not support these types of events: When the BLM conducted a review for this same event, the agency received more than 95,000 comments opposed to the contest. These comments, coupled with a lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity and allies, led to the BLM withdrawing its permit.
Take action below -- urge the Forest Service to listen to the public and follow BLM's lead by bringing a stop to this blatant misuse of our public lands. ...