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Sure, The Obama Regime’s attempt at an unconstitutional Amnesty (which’s Federale first spotted developing back in 2011), and especially the GOP Congressional leadership’s pathetic response to it, is disgusting news.
But since I launched on Christmas Eve, 1999, the cause of patriotic immigration reform has faced, and overcome, a lot of disgusting news.
My personal prediction: ignore the Leftist/ Main Stream Media ululations. We will overcome this too.
Let me point out two pieces of good news:
· The only reason Obama has been driven to this extreme step is that he has utterly failed to pass Amnesty (and the smuggled-in Surge in legal immigration) over the course of the last six years.
Obama did not even try when he had a veto-proof majority in Congress after he won election in 2008. Now he has failed, despite the collaboration of some Republican traitors, after he won re-election in 2012.
This has been a huge triumph—one completely unpredicted and uncelebrated in the Main Stream Media—for grass-roots American patriots, in the face of the entire political elite.
We must not forget it—especially because we have to do it again. ...