Obama to visit Nashville next week to celebrate diversity; illegal aliens
Wouldn’t it be great if he got a ‘welcome’ from those who vehemently disagree with his recent Executive amnesty!
Mr. Cool to rally illegal alien supporters in Nashville on Tuesday.
Here is the story at The Tennessean:
President Barack Obama is visiting Nashville next week to discuss his recent executive actions on immigration in a stop that will shine a spotlight on one of the nation’s fastest-growing immigrant populations.
The president, who will make his second trip to Davidson County in less than a year, will deliver his remarks Tuesday at Casa Azafran, an immigrant community center on Nolensville Pike that opened two years ago.
His visit comes two weeks after he issued an executive order to provide temporary legal status and work permits to more than 5 million immigrants who are in this country illegally. Seventeen states have joined together in a federal lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of Obama’s action, but Tennessee is not among them.
“With the number of foreign-born residents more than doubling over the past decade, Nashville has actively worked to welcome new Americans,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said. “Through community-based programs and government initiatives, the city is empowering and engaging New American community leaders. And the city’s actions are paying off.”
Nashville’s foreign-born population is nearing 12 percent, about double from a decade ago and fueling the city’s overall population growth during that span. Thirty percent of Metro’s public school students reside in homes where English is not the primary language, and 140 languages are spoken across the district. [Oh, aren't they lucky! See school system a wreck!—ed]
Though the majority of Nashville’s immigrants are Hispanic, the city has welcomed large Kurdish, Somali and Burmese refugee groups as well.