Alabama: Massive food stamp fraud bust; some of your money went to Yemen
Longtime readers know that the subject of food stamp fraud perpetrated by immigrant managers and owners of mom & pop convenience stores has been a hobby of mine here at RRW. I have probably written a hundred posts on the topic over the years after I witnessed it happening near where I live in 2007 (at the same time the refugees were arriving here).

Nine of 17 arrested in Alabama yesterday on food stamp fraud charges. Your tax dollars were sent to Yemen!
Recently, I haven’t written much on the subject simply because there are not enough hours in the day. And, it is a side issue because, although refugees are heavily using food stamps, most of the perps running these stores are not refugees but got in to the US through other mostly LEGAL means.
Also, in one of the last posts I wrote on the multi-million dollar fraud, here in November 2014, I begged someone wishing to become a blogger to please take on food stamp fraud (trafficking in food stamps) as a primary investigative focus. It is huge!
If they gave Pulitzer Prizes for bloggers, a blogger who unravels this huge international scam on America could win the prize! I am convinced it isn’t happening as isolated cases and that the scams are hatched abroad.
What is the legal immigration program that admits all of these foreign “investors” to the US? Here is your chance to help save America—find out how it is being done!
Maybe someone could get Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) to look into this!
A reader sent me this story about the massive bust in Alabama yesterday!
A couple of steaks shoplifted at a Gardendale Walmart three months ago led to the biggest food stamp fraud investigation in Jefferson County’s history, and launched 11 simultaneous raids this morning at convenience stores countywide.
Led by the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office, teams of law enforcement officers met at 5 a.m. for a briefing and then fanned out across the county beginning at 6:50 a.m. The officers and agents were armed with 242 arrest warrants and plans to arrest 17 suspects.
All 17 suspects were in custody by mid-morning, and investigators already today have filed for forfeiture and condemnation of those 11 stores, which totals more than $1 million in assets.
“This is huge for us,” said Jefferson County District Attorney Brandon Falls.
The massive probe, dubbed Operation T-bone, targeted those they say have been cheating the food stamp system to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and sending at least some of the profits via wire transfer to Yemen.
How big is the problem? “It is enormous. It is pervasive,” Raulston said. “We actually had to cut off the number we were going to prosecute this round, and this will be an ongoing investigation and prosecution for our office.”
When I followed food stamp fraud regularly there was a very clear pattern when one examined the names of those arrested!
Those arrested in today’s raids are: Jowher Almnasoob, Abdulrahman Alqublani, Ismail Hassan Elnaham, Saleh Yahya Rowaid, Ramzi Jowher Ali Almansoob, Mujahed Jowher Ali Almansoob, Bashir Abosaleh Mohamed, Fouad Zamzami, Muneer Zindani, Sufyan Saleh, Mansoor Almansoob, Audrey Morris, Jerry Brown, Keith Lee Lucas, Travis Wayne Holmes, Murad Nooruddin and Mable Olympia Kirksey.
I can assure you that this is going on in all 50 states! See our extensive archive on food stamp fraud by clicking here.