Thursday, October 8, 2015

AP/Yahoo: EU agrees to speed migrant deportation, buttress borders - Notice in article, main reason is not to protect Europeans, but public relations, so that Europeans will basically shut up.

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LUXEMBOURG (AP) — The European Union on Thursday took measures to buttress its porous external borders and toughen up its migrant return program in an attempt to build a credible refugee policy that would continue to embrace those fleeing for their lives yet punish those seeking economic gain.

Facing their toughest refugee emergency since World War II, the 28 EU nations committed to speed up and intensify the deportation of people who do not qualify for asylum, including more special flights out and detention for those who might slip into illegal residence.
It all was to underscore one key message: Europe feels overwhelmed and needs to be far more rigorous in sending economic migrants back if it wants to find enough goodwill among its population to continue harboring [ever more] true refugees. ... [emphasis added]