A delayed Senator Marco Rubio took the stage at CPAC this afternoon to warn Americans about the looming takeover of the Republican party and the conservative movement by Donald Trump.
“Young Americans won’t have a chance if the conservative movement is hijacked by somebody who isn’t a conservative,” Rubio said. His supporters cheered wildly, as it was clear he was referring to Trump.
Rubio fans packed the CPAC ballroom early to see their preferred choice for president but had to wait nearly 40 minutes before he took the stage. Some of them spent their time singing and clapping to the Journey song “Don’t Stop Believing” as they waited, while others groaned and cursed under their breath.
When he finally appeared, Rubio immediately pointed out that he had the flu.
“I feel 45 this week, because I have had the flu,” he said, and coughed.
“Do you want some water?” one supporter shouted, but was ignored.
Rubio’s voice has suffered since he began voraciously attacking Donald Trump and picking up the pace of his campaign rallies. During the debate, Rubio only fist-bumped his fellow candidates to show that he was sick. ...