Sunday, May 18, 2014

Christopher Jude: Race at Universities - "Most white students are utterly apathetic in this environment that is so hostile to them. They seem to have become so used to the idea that they are innately evil that they no longer speak up for themselves."

Race at Universities

Why young whites have no racial consciousness.
As a college senior, I see the real “institutional racism” in this country: the blatant anti-white prejudice at public universities. Here are some observations about race on campus.
I have attended two universities in Texas. At both, I noticed that some people go to college to get an education and some go to play sports. As expected, Asians are at one end of the spectrum: I have never seen an East Asian athlete.
Blacks are at the other end: most are athletes. The few exceptions are the bright ones, but the more intelligent they are, the more socially awkward they seem to be. You can tell just by the way they dress and talk that most blacks you see in class are athletes. They are usually sloppily dressed in basketball shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals. They do not carry normal backpacks that would hold books or a computer. Instead they carry “sackpacks” that hold only a notebook and something to write with.
These blacks often sleep in class, and almost never engage in class discussion. If a professor tells them to pay attention, they may get angry and cause a scene. When blacks do speak up or reply to a professor’s question, their answers are usually unclear and their vocabulary is childish. Some have an Ebonics-type accent that makes them almost unintelligible.
Most of the students I see are either white or Hispanic. The whites vary greatly: Republican, Democrat, ultra liberal, socialist, communist, apathetic, rich, poor, genius, dull. Ironically, it is whites who provide most of the “diversity” on campus. They have all sorts of backgrounds and views while people of other races tend to be very similar. . . .