Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ken Burns’ 'The Central Park Five': The New 'To Kill a Mockingbird'—Fiction Designed To Induce White Guilt - "Central Park Five co-directors/writers/producers Ken and Sarah Burns, and the latter’s husband, David McMahon, have simply airbrushed every fact that incriminates the defendants out of the movie. Instead, they have created a fairy tale of a single attacker and a massive, racist conspiracy of police and prosecutors to railroad angelic black and Hispanic 'children.'”

Ken Burns’ THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE: The New TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD—Fiction Designed To Induce White Guilt

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By Nicholas Stix on May 14, 2014

Ken (The Civil War) Burns’ 2012 documentary The Central Park Five,nominally about the Central Park Jogger Case, has become this generation’s To Kill a Mockingbird—now regularly assigned by Leftist educators to brainwash impressionable school kids and induce white guilt. As is typical for Burns, a story about black and Hispanic crime is transformed into a morality play set in the notorious bastion of white racism that is New York City.

Needless to say, the actual facts of the case tell a more complicated (and damning) story. But unfortunately, Burns’ agitprop may facilitate yet another $250 million-plus racial extortion payment in the form of a predatory civil suit against the city—and, ultimately, cripple law enforcement. . . .