Monday, May 12, 2014

The Atlantic: The Racial Tensions Lurking Under the Surface of American Society (Sad that within the group of Whites most concerned about their own demographic genocide, that concern only reaches 50%, but I imagine many respondents are a bit careful answering any questions anywhere near this topic, plus let's see what happens when we Whites can no longer affordably hide in quiet safe clean green White neighborhoods.)

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The Racial Tensions Lurking Under the Surface of American Society

Typically, April showers bring May flowers. This year, however, April also delivered a torrent of racially charged issues to the national stage. In Michigan, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ban on university-admissions programs that use race as a criterion in college admissions. Clippers owner Donald Sterlingignited a firestorm when a recording surfaced in which he asked his mixed-race girlfriend not to post photos of herself with black people on Instagram or bring black people to NBA games. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy garnered support from Senator Rand Paul and other prominent conservatives in the wake of his standoff with the federal government over cattle grazing rights. But most supporters hurried to distance themselves from Bundy when he offered these stunning remarks at a news conference . . .