Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memo From Middle America | Stop The Presses—MRC And Heritage Foundation Discover That Hispanic Media Is Liberal! - "The Hispanic media is an arm of the movement to Hispanicize our country." (The GOP / Stupid Cowardly Party demonstrates its cluelessness yet again.)

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Memo From Middle America | Stop The Presses—MRC And Heritage Foundation Discover That Hispanic Media Is Liberal!

In the midst of the ongoing Republican hysteria over the ever-elusive Hispanic vote, an important Discovery has been made by the Media Research Center and the Heritage Foundation.
These organizations have discovered that—get ready for this—the Hispanic media is liberal!
Who would have thought that! Now we know why Hispanics—who are really natural conservatives, we’ve been assured again and again—vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats. They really want to vote for the GOP, but they've been bamboozled by the sinister liberal Hispanic media. . . .