Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jack Donovan: Identity Defies the Global Marketplace (Some very good points, but only tell half the story. . . .)

Identity Defies the Global Marketplace


I am here today to “celebrate diversity.” I’m all for it. I think the world needs a lot more of it: Ethnic diversity, religious diversity, cultural diversity. Authentic diversity that is alive and thriving in the present. Not stagnant, recycled, sterilized artifacts of the past. Other people say they want to “celebrate diversity,” but too often they’re just repeating slogans that make them feel good, and that ultimately facilitate entities and patterns of thought that can only destroy “diversity.”
A few years ago, I walked past a television and the World Cup was on. Before the game started, the two teams ran across the field. Black, white, brown, red and yellow players ran out together to meet in the center and both teams were holding a giant banner that said: “SAY NO TO RACISM”. . . .
     Some very good points, but they only tell half the story. "Hippies"? That trivializes things. The very serious and dedicated people from Europe who installed Cultural Marxism on American campuses and in Hollywood film studios predate the hippies, who were just the resulting colorful flowers of the deeply planted seeds. Besides, the hippies wanted to 'drop out,' remember? Most were not the political activists of the Sixties, who also mostly came after the original culprits. In other words, the hard Left plowed the ground, making all else possible. 
If people of a certain ethnicity work in their own self-interest, we very individualistic Westerners tend to ridicule such obvious explanations as involving some big "conspiracy theory." But, as K. MacDonald has demonstrated, it is the extreme individualism of Whites that is unique, not the solidarity of other ethnicities, particularly one that springs to mind. 
     If what is happening is mostly corporate universalism--keeping in mind corporate capitalism and Marxism are really not irreconcilable opposites--why will the Chinese and the Japanese civilization still stand relativity intact hundreds of years from now, long after the West has sunk into third-world oblivion? For one thing, American commercialism will obviously no longer be a factor, once America is no more.  
     This article, though definitely not without merit, reminds me of some of the intellectual thinking in Europe. It sometimes sounds strangely as if it is one more way we Whites can try to distance ourselves from being awful 'racists.' You see (when I use those two words sarcastically, I always feel a little like I'm channeling Sam Francis), we aren't really concerned about Whites being demographically and culturally erased. It is that we cry for the Mexicans, the Nigerians and the Pygmies alike--who must drink Coke! Whose cultures are being ruined by crass global commercialism! Yes, that is true to some extent, but it is only the elites of the West that have swallowed borderless corporate multicultural Marxism, hook, line and sinker, their only major dissatisfaction being how long it is taking their kinsmen to get reeled up into the boat to be turned into multiracial fish meal.  
     Finally, it seems to say it all that while we are sinking under an angry churning non-Western demographic tsunami, in our last choking breaths we are making it known that our primary worry is not for ourselves and our grandkids. No indeed! It is the universal injustice of corporate universalism! By God, we can say we gave our lives to stop Pygmies in Nikes!