Friday, May 16, 2014

EU elections 2014: 'I can hear the boots of the 1930s marching through Europe' - “'Malmö is a good example of an irresponsible immigration policy,' he tells The Telegraph, as young people shout obscenities at him from behind police lines." (Of course these would be the loving Tolerance Police. ...)

EU elections 2014: 'I can hear the boots of the 1930s marching through Europe' 
Jimmie Åkesson

“The situation in Sweden is very worrying,” says the 51-year-old as he arranges croissants on the counter at the Bread and Friendship café in Malmö. “You can almost hear the boots from the Thirties marching in the streets.

Through the window of his café, the slogans “fight for Malmö” and “fight for Showan” can be seen scrawled on walls and lampposts. In April, Showan Shattak, a 25-year-old man of Iranian origin, was stabbed by four neo-Nazis two miles away. This sparked the biggest anti-fascist demonstrations the city has ever seen, with more than 10,000 people taking to the streets. The city is a tinderbox; and today the far-Right is coming to town.
Traditionally, Sweden is one of the most tolerant countries in Europe, with a long-standing open door policy towards refugees. But tensions have been building. Racist violence is becoming more frequent; concerns are growing over the non-integration and segregation of immigrants; and a far-Right party, Sweden Democrats, has become the third largest in the country, gaining 20 parliamentary seats. . . .
“'Malmö is a good example of an irresponsible immigration policy,' he tells The Telegraph, as young people shout obscenities at him from behind police lines."
     Of course these would be the loving Tolerance Police. Apparently anyone on the Right, whether a professional politician, an academic, an author or a businessman, is not even allowed to wear an ordinary suit and tie--because that means they are oh so cleverly trying to fool people! 

     Jake Wallis Simons makes no pretense of objectivity or professionalism. Notice how all groups on the Right are "outfits." It is no wonder that this Simons character sees 'racism' under every rock, since if you don't buy into open-borders Multicultural Marxism, you are by definition a racist. 

     If we follow the supposed logic of this article, which perfectly exemplifies that generally held by our open-borders overlords throughout the West, the only way to prove that we are not racist nor neo-Nazi is to forever welcome in the rest of the world until Western civilization and our own grandkids' grandkids are demographically erased. 

     Our ruling elites have a problem all right: The utopian sandcastles they have been trying to force everyone to move into are now quite naturally crumbling away. (And these busy bees who have been destroying the West are getting quite frightened.)