Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Jeannie Suk - New Yorker: Who’s Afraid of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms? - To our Globalist Overlords any defense of common-sense tradition must be either fear, anger or hate --tma

 In the middle of taking the bar exam at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, in New York City, along with thousands of aspiring lawyers, I had to go to the bathroom. The enormous line for the women’s restroom looked like it would take at least a half hour. There was no line for the men’s restroom. I walked in, passed my male counterparts at a row of urinals, used one of several empty stalls, then returned to my desk. I felt that my decision to forgo the women’s bathroom made a difference to my passing the exam, and that the much longer wait for women than men during an all-important test for entry to the legal profession was obviously unfair.
     Odd question, I realize, but wouldn't a far easier solution be found by providing more extensive bathroom facilities for women, rather than spending decades trying to force boys and girls and men and women  to merrily urinate and defecate side-by-side? What's wrong, Lefties, not revolutionary enough?
There is now, however, an active debate around what bathrooms we should be able to use. A recently proposed Indiana law would make it a crime for a person to enter a single-sex public restroom that does not match the person’s “biological gender,” defined in terms of chromosomes and sex at birth. The punishment could be up to a year in jail and a five-thousand-dollar fine. Similar laws proposed in several other states have not passed. These proposals attempt to counter recent moves in many states to allow transgender people to access bathrooms that correspond to their gender identity. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s same-sex-marriage decision, last summer, these skirmishes may give the sense of moving the L.G.B.T.-equality debate from the sublime to the ridiculous. But the implications of the controversy go far beyond bathrooms.
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     Ever notice how causes like gay marriage or the acceptance and mainstreaming of  the 'transgendered' or 'gender-neutral restrooms' seem to pop up from out of nowhere? In a matter of months these things progress from seemingly eccentric oddball issues that few people have ever thought about, much less advocate, into a great historic causes, backed by a media tsunami of support, causes that are only held back, we are told, by a few pathetic frightened angry haters or Cromagnon Christian 
     But since these things that sweep the nation are obviously not due to natural ground swellings of popular support, how does all this continually take place? 
     These whacky social justice causes are part of a much larger agenda to render our normal common-sense traditional Western values obsolete.
     Who benefits from this endless carnival freak show? Using 'freak' here to mean something highly atypical, not in the sense of wanting to cause anyone harm or torment. Obviously, this comes from outsiders, but not just the small percentage  of people who fall into these categories. Women are, of course, a majority, but probably not too many militantly yearn to walk past men urinating in a men's restroom.
     And, by the way, you have to wonder how some of these minorities actually benefit from these so-called reforms. For example, when you see children being championed by their strident lawyerly parents as needing to use the opposite restroom, who knows how forcing these kids into becoming little Social Justice Warriors will help or hurt them in the long run.
     Of course one fairly large outsider group would be non-European migrants, and offspring, who instead of fully assimilating into America, can lecture all European Americans on their inherent narrow-minded bigotry, their evil Victorianism, etc, while achieving all the perks showered upon them for taking such positions from the literary, arts, entertainment, educational and PC Police establishment. 
     But, frankly, by far the most powerful outsider group pushing all these ever more bizarre social justice contrivances are members of the Jewish community. This battle has really been going on for centuries, but in modern form it has meant leaders like Theodor Adorno and Sigmund Freud, attempting to render discriminatory or to pathologize what for thousands of years has been traditional White European behavior.
   Most notably this campaign has extended to the central influence Jews have had on opening up the borders of the West. Look at the Congressional Record and skim over the history of the 1965 immigration legislation, and later amendments. Ted Kennedy, often blamed for starting our ever metastasizing migration invasion, was really more of a frontman. 
     As Kevin MacDonald, Editor of The Occidental Observer and Occidental Quarterly, has demonstrated, the Jewish community seems to feel safer the more Western Civilization, or White Gentile Society, or White Christian Society, has lost its norms and traditions and becomes ever more populated by atomized autonomous individuals, who gain greater social and economic status by ostentatiously turning against their own ethnic group.  
     It is apparently thought by many Jews that they will no longer have as much to fear from being an outsider in the West if Westerners themselves become more like outsiders, rather than part of any cohesive homogenous Western culture, the now ridiculed 'Ozzie and Harriet America,' which was still in existence only decades ago. 
     We see this never-ending and ever-escalating agenda not only in education (Adorno, Boaz, etc) and psychiatry (Freud and his cronies), but in Hollywood, including the porn industry, the Mainstream Media and now the corporate boardroom. This is the totalitarian 'PC' that Trump and others at long last rightly condemn. Totalitarian because it, Mao- or Stalin-like, destroys the reputations and incomes of visible dissenters, unless you are an unusually courageous multi-billionaire real estate magnate. 
     All of these, I'll call them, Trans Causes are supposed to be furthering universal values--our adversaries knowing that Whites have a weakness for this argument--but where in the world are these values in widespread use? How in the world can these values be universal when they only occur in the West--and only recently?
     The most telling fact, however, is that such wonderful 'multicultural' 'vibrant' 'diverse' 'gender-neutral' 'rainbow' values championed by the Jewish community, everything from mainstreaming porn, to ever increasingly open borders, to racial intermarriage, are almost non-existent in Israel itself. What does that tell you? Again, what does that tell you?
     Maybe we could have greater sympathy for this extreme take-no-prisoners survival strategy if it had been born out of the 'Holocaust,' but this has been going on for centuries, deliberately diluting and destabilizing the West.
     The larger problem--although calling it merely a problem for the West is like casually saying Superman had a kryptonite problem--with this can be seen by randomly picking out another society, let's say, Korea. 
     If you could embed a fabulously wealthy, largely invisible, high IQ, powerful minority within Korea that could work for decades weakening the ethnic Koreans, make them guilty of their past, cause them to discriminate against their own children with 'affirmative action,' numb them into accepting a staggeringly lopsided violent crime rate against their own, persuade them to fling open their borders to millions from very distant alien cultures, so that someday the Koreans could never again conceivably be a cohesive ethnic threat to any other ethnic group, you would in fact have successfully destroyed the Korean people, their culture and their civilization. 
     How many Europeans today would favor such a thing against another race? I cannot think of a single one.