Sunday, January 31, 2016
Thomas Jones - EuroCan: Trump from a EuroCanadian Perspective - "If anyone can clean house it is Trump, or if he fails he at the very least he can pave the way for others to do so."
The new Trump Tower, Vancouver, too white for Canada's professional anti-'racists'?
A few months ago when Trump was beginning his incredible campaign, a minor politician in Vancouver, city councillor Kerry Jang, demanded that the planned Trump Tower in Vancouver have its name changed to signal disapproval of Trump's "racism". Jang, acting as if the Chinese were the new owners of Vancouver, said that Trump was a "bigot" who stood against the Canadian values of "diversity".
People like Jang dislike any sense of White identity no matter how implicit it may be. What matters most to the Yin and Jangs is the utilization of White leftist ideas to promote the ethnic interests of Chinese in Canada, a people who come from a most racist culture, yet rarely waste a word about it. Moreover, despite all the myriad differences and disputes between non-White activists, at the end of the day they have a common enemy that unites them: European identity. Vested interests aside, it is clear that a great deal of progressive anti-Trump feeling is being driven by an elite leftist coalition with so-called "conservatives". Both sides are willing to stir up issues or race in order to coerce common people into siding with them.
Liberals support naturalization because it will allow them to gain new voters. Cheap labour is of course another issue and there is also the fact that migration is big business. Internationalist thought has been so widely spread that it has influenced plenty of big money types like Zuckerberg.
Trump is against further intervention in Ukraine, better relations with Russia, not toppling regimes that keep the peace, increasing taxes on the wealthy and lowering taxes for the middle and working classes; positions that also resonated with a great many liberal voters in the recent Canadian elections and would bring jobs back to the US. Trump has also called out the Chinese government for its unlawful practice of currency manipulation.
Yet he is called a racist and a fascist for daring to call for stricter immigration laws as regards Muslims and illegals. What is especially great from Trump is that he is self-funding and is not beholden to special interest groups. He is outside the corrupt politico-media-business elite. ...