Thursday, January 7, 2016

American Resistance: Church World Service will take illegal action as part of massive Election 2016 propaganda campaign - "hard Left Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor, which uses $45 million of your dollars every year to change America by changing the people, is setting up hiding places throughout America where illegal aliens can be placed out of the reach of federal ICE agents."

Ann Corcoran
I knew it!  And, now we are seeing it in action!
The recent Obama Administration order to round up illegal aliens (a tiny number!) and deport them is simply a ploy to fire up the No Borders movement, the Democrat base, in this all important election year.

Church World Service will be hiding illegal aliens!

Here is a story about the hard Left Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor, which uses $45 million of your dollars every year to change America by changing the people, is setting up hiding places throughout America where illegal aliens can be placed out of the reach of federal ICE agents. ...