Tuesday, January 3, 2017

CEC - "White Gold": Female Sex Tourism - Canada and rest of West falling for third world migration sex scams

Bumster with White Gold somewhere in Africa

Bumster with "White Gold" somewhere in Africa

Recently, CBC "Doc Zone" featured a story about female sex tourism in Cuba. An estimated one in four women (a great many Canadian it seems) who travel to Cuba are in the hunt for "the Cuban experience," and there is a veritable industry of predominately Black and mulatto gigolos in the hunt for them. The racial profile of these predators is interesting because according to the Cuban census, about 65% of Cubans are White, and only about 9% are Black. It seems that Cuban men "of colour" have a superior talent for this kind of work, and an abundance of time to hone their skills as maestros of charm. 

The documentary illustrated the issue by focusing on three women and the Cubans who deceived them. One was a wrinkly, blue-eyed, blonde-haired, retired professional from San Diego who persuaded herself that a Cuban Black man 40 years her junior sincerely loved her, and after tasting the fruit through enumerable physical encounters, married him and gave $10,000 US to his mother to renovate her miserable Havana home. The story ended with his coming to America. Who knows. Maybe they were meant for each other. Yeah sure they were. ...
