Saturday, January 7, 2017

VDare - Derbyshire: Racial Gang Attacks—Why Won’t The MSM Tell Us The Numbers? - Low IQ, impulse control, propagandized from birth--schools, movies--to hate Whites.

This is one of those weeks where the inside pages of the newspapers (for those of you who remember newspapers) grab one’s attention better than the big headlines. The story that the comment threads are talking about: the four young blacks in Chicago who kidnapped and tortured a retarded young white guy.
The blacks are in custody; their mugshots have been broadcast to the media. You don’t have to look very long at those pictures to know where we are here: on the left-hand side of the Bell Curve.
Intelligence-wise, in fact, we’re on the left-hand side of the black Bell Curve—IQs in the high seventies or low eighties.
It’s worth making the effort of imagination to see how the world seems to people like that. ...