Tuesday, March 7, 2017

AmRen - Eric Beck: White Teacher in a South Central LA Brown School - "students generally lazy, abusive, and disrespectful ... say openly ... here to reconquer”

Image result for mexican los angeles

Mad-dogging the gringo.

For 25 years I worked as a substitute teacher in a sanctuary city in California, and I would like to share a few of my experiences. The racial proportions in the schools have been roughly 75 percent Hispanic, 10 percent black, 6 percent Asian, and almost no whites but for a stray Russian or Armenian.
The students are generally lazy, abusive, and disrespectful. Rather than do the work assigned, most of them spend their time texting, listening to music on their iPods, playing with cell phone cameras and handheld games, talking about sex and gangs and fighting, and eating junk food. Doritos and candy bars are a favorite breakfast.
Why do they behave this way? Mexican culture does not value education. Also, we give everything to them for free, so it has little value in their eyes. In Mexico, they would have to pay for everything, including their books. In America, we give them free books, so they scrawl all over them and lose them.
What is more, they say openly they have come here to “reconquer” this area, which they claim we stole from them. They are utterly serious about this, and it is another reason for their disrespectful attitude. They act as though they were all tutored by the same teacher to hate whitey.
To make matters worse, there is constant racial tension between blacks and Hispanics. ...

     Formerly American neighborhoods invaded by the third world might as well be insurgencies in Afghanistan. No amount of educational taxpayer dollars, reforms or charter schools will magically cure this problem. Massive repatriations are necessary. 

     No matter how slowly it starts, demographic trends must be turned around or our great-grandkids are going to end up living in some version of South Africa, dwelling behind high walls, big guard dogs and multiple-locked doors, until that one day the enemy manages to slip through with a gun, knife or machete when your back is turned or when only the wife and kids are home. 

     I've heard that the first steps to doom in South Africa are when your dogs are poisoned and there is some marker placed nearby to direct future invaders.