Teaching Racial Hatred
People across the nation were shocked to see a video showing fraternity members at the University of Oklahoma gleefully chanting racial epithets and celebrating lynching. But what remains unseen is that some faculty at the University of Oklahoma, like those at other American universities, have been quietly inculcating racial hatred in the student body.
The History of Science department at the University of Oklahoma conducts a series of seminars in which students are indoctrinated in extreme left-wing politics and taught to hate both white people and America. Under the guise of "professional training," material from the website everydayfeminism.com is being used to train students to despise their own country.
The theme of these materials is that American society is characterized by "patriarchy, white supremacy, and heterosexism." Every white person in the U.S. is said to enjoy the benefits of something called "white privilege." White privilege is both invisible and omnipresent; it confers unearned benefits. White privilege is described as a "magic carpet that allows you to sail over the worries of others without ever having to look down," and white people are characterized as "lords over people of color." Anyone who does not accept this is derided as "ignorant."