The New Census Projections: From White America to Alien Nation in One Lifetime
Class of 1968, Kerman High School, Kerman CA—now 81% Hispanic.
Only one issue should dominate the Republican Presidential primaries: the US Census Bureau’s recently-released projections showing that–entirely because of public policy in the shape of the disastrous 1965 Immigration Act and treasonous bipartisan collusion in subsequent illegal immigration–whites will be only about 43 percent of the US population by 2060. [New Census Bureau Report Analyzes U.S. Population Projections, March 03, 201]. When this happens, the United States of America as we have known it will have ceased to exist. But to see how far GOP/ GAP pols still are from grappling with this immense and imminent issue, watch the hapless hacks contending for the 2014 nomination in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District flounder when American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor raised it at a candidates meeting.
The projections are astonishing, but alert Americans have been hearing these reports routinely over the past two decades. The Main Stream Media usually reports it with barely concealed glee about how the historic American nation is being washed away.
Of course, while you are allowed to report this as a cause for celebration, no politician, religious leader, academic, celebrity, artist or Main Stream Media journalist can mention this as a bad thing or even a challenge without fear of losing his job. Critical analysis is limited to publications like American Renaissance and other dissident outlets like
The demographic replacement of white Americans is known to every reader but it is worth going over the updated figures. In 2060, the racial breakdown of the US is projected to be as follows:
2014 2060
Whites 62.2 43.6
Hispanics 17.4 28.6
Blacks 13.2 14.3
Asians 5.4 9.3
The change within my own lifetime is nothing short of revolutionary. I was born in 1969, just a few years after the 1965 Immigration Act opened our borders to the Third World. I was born into a United States that was nearly 90 percent white—perhaps the demographic high point of white America.
Longevity runs in my family and if I live to 2060 I will be 91. If these Census predictions are correct, the US will have gone from roughly 90% white to 43% white in the span of one lifetime.
This change is all around me in middle age. Class pictures from my elementary school in a middle class New England suburb show year after year of all-white schoolmates. Birthday parties, sporting activities, Cub Scouts and family gatherings were all-white affairs. Strangely enough, I am not scarred by this lack of diversity and remember my childhood fondly.
My son now goes to elementary school in an affluent northern Virginia suburb. Yet whites are a bare majority at his school. Reading the names from a second grade play a few weeks ago indicates that a majority of his class are Indian-surnamed.