Megyn Kelly: Let's import more followers of sharia law
Megyn Kelly is an attorney – smart, articulate, and excellent in a debate. But how would she look in a burka? The question may be relevant, given our current immigration patterns, especially if Megyn Kelly gets her way. ...
Megyn Kelly, voluntary Burqa bait? And what about 'moderate' Muslims who come here and have kids who get radicalized?
These endless debates will go on as long as we do not have a general immigration moratorium and actual border enforcement, giving us breathing room to sort all of this out and absorb the countless cultures and problems our Open-Borders Overlords have merrily inflicted upon us.
Personally, I would make an immigration exception for one-step-ahead-of-the-machete Whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Remember, White South Africans voted for Democracy after they were assured by the world, including us, that they would enjoy 'reconciliation' with Blacks and a happy vibrant 'Rainbow Nation'--not systematic dispossession, White farmer butchery and home invasion mom, dad and kids torturings, rapings and choppings.
One thing to consider is that an all Muslim immigration moratorium would be considered such a huge and horrific move to so many that even if accomplished it might spend a lot of the mounting patriotic immigration reform pressures for who knows how long. Still, if it looked like it was doable to enact an immigration moratorium for Muslim nations for security reasons, I definitely would be all for it.
Happy Spring sons and daughters of Europe! Good time to remember that we will prevail and be renewed fresh again but wiser.