On the other hand, a wonderful opportunity for burrito truck entrepreneurs.
A 'Privileged Cracker' Visits the California DMV
The other day I received a letter from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) instructing me to renew my driver’s license in person. The letter stated I was required to take a vision test and a new photo. The letter also provided me with a phone number to schedule an appointment.
When I called the number, the representative told me that the next available appointment to visit my local DMV was 8 weeks later, well beyond the expiration date of my driver’s license. The representative explained it was due to undocumented immigrants, what we used to call illegal aliens, now being able to obtain driver licenses, and that my best bet was to simply go to my local DMV office and see if I could receive a same-day appointment. Thank you Governor Moonbeam Jerry Brown.
When I arrived at the DMV, there was a line of people circling around the building. Apparently everyone was trying to get an appointment. Finally after an hour of standing in line I was able to reach the clerk. He was a young man who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent, unshaven, with his baseball hat on backwards, perhaps sporting a Muslim cool look before heading off (no pun intended) to join ISIS. But it was wrong for me to have such thoughts, for in today’s America I was not supposed to have any negative thoughts, humorous or otherwise, about any non-white person -- or judgmental ideas about civil servants representing the State of California wearing their baseball hats backwards.
I’m a European-American. If I were to provide any criticism about having to stand in line behind an undocumented immigrant, it would take a very short time for the “racist” accusation to be hurled at me. In today’s America, I, as a white male seem to be at the bottom of the totem pole with the undocumented immigrants ranking high above me. Thank you, multiculturalism. ...