NYT: From Minneapolis to ISIS, a refugee’s path to jihad
Well, that is not exactly the New York Times Sunday headline, but close. What they left out of the lengthy story was the ‘R’ word—Refugee. Most media outlets have gradually (over the seven years we have been observing the issue) begun to use the right word when it fits—not just “immigrants,” but refugees we welcomed to America. Apparently the New York Times is not yet able to say it.
Be sure to see my booklet about the Refugee program and the Hijrah to America. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2015/03/17/center-for-security-policy-press-publishes-my-book-second-book-in-civilization-jihad-reader-series/
The extremely large number of Somalis in Minnesota are virtually all refugees or the children of refugees brought there over the last 3 decades*** by three US State Department refugee resettlement contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, and World Relief (re-named Arrive Ministries) which is a supposedly ‘Evangelical’ charity.
But they aren't charities in the way new readers might think they are. They masquerade as Christian charities, but work for the federal government.
We recently researched the databases and reported that Minnesota has received over 10,000 Somalis in ten years thanks to the federal government and its contractors. They were dispersed to over 60 towns and cities! This past week Somali students in St. Cloud protested claiming they are discriminated against at a local high school (just the beginning?).
So, back to the NYT which featured Abdi Nur a Minneapolis refugee who said, ‘s**** the good life, I’m going to be a jihadist.’ His saga and his family’s tale didn’t interest me. A couple of things did.
Note the manual that ISIS uses to help recruits get to the Middle East—see the word HIJRA (it means migration to advance the Islamic state or the caliphate) and that is what they are doing to America as well.
What happens when ISIS tells these newbies, stay right where you are, you can advance our cause much more effectively by waging jihad in Minneapolis? Or, what happens when the feds get very good at stopping the jihadist wannabees from leaving the country and out of frustration they find a means of advancing their Islamic agenda at home?
One other thing that interested me was the graph showing how most of the ISIS recruits from America were from immigrant families.
Here’s Omar!
When Omar Jamal (I call him the Somali Jesse Jackson) gets quoted I know we have some lazy reporting happening!
So his arrival in this NYT story interested me too:
I’ve been writing about the Somali mouthpiece since 2007. He really showed himself in 2008 when a Somali was found dead in a hotel in Denver not far from the location of the Democratic National Convention with enough cyanide in his room to kill hundreds. Jamal convinced authorities there was nothing to see, move along, just a dead nutty Canadian Somali.
Omar Jamal’s usual schtick is to say the family is devastated, they had no idea, they are good Americans (or good Canadians). How could this happen?
By the way, we were able to discover years ago that Jamal entered the US illegally, was convicted of immigration fraud, but was never deported. Did the feds give him some special role?
Click here to see our archive (pages and pages) on Omar Jamal as he pops up across the country and tells the media—move along, nothing to see, Somalis love America.
Be sure to see Jerry Gordon’s post on the NYT story at New English Review.
***See how many Somalis came to America since the 1980’s, here. See ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis,’ here.