Speaker Boehner: Democrat Dissenter
On March 3, after repeatedly huffing and puffing in support the Republican position on one of the major issues of the 2014 election, John Boehner predictably went back on his word, betraying conservatives on a signature campaign promise: to rein in President Obama’s unconstitutional and lawless actions in support of lawlessness.
This was Boehner’s final surrender, ceding the last vestige of the immense power of the purse that a majority of voters sent Republicans to Washington to exercise. In ratifying law-breaking by both the president and millions of aliens, he removed any lingering doubt that he is the Democrat-preferred Obama-Pelosi House Speaker.
A headline in The Hill, said it all: “Dems vow to protect Boehner from conservative coup.” This headline and the accompanying Mike Lillis story validate and vindicate articles recently published here, here and here. Democrats now consider Boehner to be their puppet in a one-party leftist dictatorship ruling against a conservative country.
So it was no surprise that, when conservatives protested this latest Boehner betrayal, Democrats rallied to reciprocate the vast aid and comfort he had given them. ...