Thursday, November 15, 2012

County Succession from Third-World U.S. Empire?

TRR: Secession Fever

By James S. Robbins - The Washington Times, 11/14/2012

"Secessionist sentiment sweeps the nation in the wake of a controversial presidential election. The country has been down that road before, and it didn't work out well.

"Secession-minded citizens have been busy posting petitions on White House 'We the People' web page. The page bills itself as 'Your Voice in Our Government' and was established as a public relations gimmick to bolster Mr. Obama’s questionable populist credentials. The administration says it will consider any measure that amasses 25,000 signatures, which gives the illusion that they are responsive to matters of public concern. However most of the posted petitions – such as petitioning to have Mr. Obama do the hokey-pokey -- have attracted scant attention and the site was little-known and rarely visited until this week. ...

"Secession would only be legally sanctioned if the Constitution was amended to allow it. It is unlikely a secession amendment would pass the current Congress with the requisite two-thirds vote. A more promising path would be to call a convention of states under Article V. This requires two-thirds, or 34 states to convene, and three-fourths, or 38 states to approve proposed amendments. It is unclear how many states have active calls for an Article V convention, but the number is believed to be close to the mark. So rather than posting vain appeals to a scornful White House, secession proponents -- if they are serious -- should work for legal means to make their dream a reality. Otherwise they are just whistling Dixie."

The above article makes some sensible points, but no mention of the elephant in the room. Many decades ago, without any vote of the people, in fact contrary to how the majority would have voted, the massive in-migration of legal and illegal third-world peoples began, and that Mississippi River has continued unabated at flood-stage ever since, regardless of voters' wishes. 

The consequences, including birthrates and skyrocketing offspring numbers, will mean a continual and unstoppable shrinking of the percentage of European Americans until they are in the position of today's whites in South Africa, who at least voted to approve their own dispossession and demise, although when they voted they did not know that it would come to that. (In Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, they are now mopping up the last of the white farmer blood.) 

The next to final stage will involve the national government being completely taken over by third-world peoples and their friends, yoking "racist" whites with ever more destructive dispossessing re-distributive taxes, along with horrific 'random' violent crime against whites, often involving home invasions. This is now the future of all Western nations. 

Not advocating it, especially since I will be long gone, but in the U.S. it is possible that succession movements will take place on the county level. If that happens, it can be done peacefully, and will take the form of countless political and administrative uncooperative entanglements and painful paper cuts en-wrapping, binding and tying down the teetering musclebound giant empire that decades ago decided to phase out the very people who earlier gave it birth in the form of a republic, a republic governed by the consent of Western peoples, within a Western culture.