Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Definition of Deconstructionism

"Some of the favorite tools for attacking the West come from the philosophical method known as Deconstructionism. It was invented by the ­­­­­­Frenchman Jacques Derrida, and amplified and elaborated by the likes of Michel Foucault. Deconstructionism uses a blizzard of jargon to 'deconstruct' the meanings of 'texts'—novels, ad jingles, statutes, diaries are all 'texts'—and lay bare their politics and prejudices. The favorite deconstructionist angles are the holy trinity of race, class, and sex (always called 'gender'), and the idea is certainly not to enjoy or understand a novel, for example, but to work up a roaring indignation over the author’s racism, classism, and sexism." 

-- 'Preaching Hatred,' Thomas Jackson, American Renaissance, November 2, 2012