Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obama Holder Equality & Zimbabwe America

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Residential Street in Zimbabwe Equalityland 
Obama to Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut

Paul Sperry, Investor’s Business Daily, November 8, 2012

"If your organization has a policy or practice that doesn't benefit minorities equally, watch out: The Obama administration could sue you for racial discrimination under a dubious legal theory that many argue is unconstitutional. President Obama intends to close 'persistent gaps' between whites and minorities in everything from credit scores and home-ownership to test scores and graduation rates. 
"His remedy—short of new affirmative-action legislation—is to sue financial companies, schools and employers based on 'disparate impact' complaints—a stealthy way to achieve racial preferences, opposed 2 to 1 by Americans. Under this broad interpretation of civil-rights law, virtually any organization can be held liable for race bias if it maintains a policy that negatively impacts one racial group more than another—even if it has no racist motive and applies the policy evenly across all groups. ...

"The goal is to equalize outcomes based on race without regard for performance or merit. According to Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, President Obama is committed to 'aggressively pushing the "disparate impact" approach to civil-rights enforcement' through which 'the federal government insists that the numbers come out right—even if it means that policemen and firefighters cannot be tested, that companies should hire criminals, that loans must be made to the un-creditworthy  and that—I kid you not—whether pollution is acceptable depends on whether dangerous chemicals are spread in a racially balanced way.
"Last month, moreover, the Education Department pressured the Oakland school district to impose 'targeted reductions' in the number of black students suspended. The department charged that Oakland’s disciplinary policy has a 'disparate impact' on African-American students, who are suspended at higher rates for violent behavior. ...
[Obviously the school district must have been allowing such troublemakers like violent Swedish American gangbangers go Scott-free.]
"'The question is not does (affirmative action) end, but when does it begin?' Holder said in February at a Columbia University forum. 'When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?'”
This is what happens when egalitarianism becomes a civic religion:
You move from striving for equal opportunity, to all racial outcomes MUST BE EQUAL! 
And then when you continue following this logic, you have the case of, let's say, someone, likely white, who is an average taxpayer who dares to live in a modest suburban home. What could be wrong with that, you ask? You silly. That's your inner racist devil talking.  
What if someone else, a nonwhite, maybe living just a few miles away, is trying to survive with 10 kids in a tar-paper shack, surrounded by some trash-strewn shantytown? If all people are inherently equal, the suburban homeowner must have somehow morally stolen that home away from impoverished nonwhites, likely due to some really really subtle form of racism, like institutional racism or long-ago historical racism, or the like. 
So taking away that suburban home and giving it to the shantytown residents is, in actuality, righting a wrong and restoring long-delayed justice. 
This is the type of thing that took place in Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, and is now going on in South Africa, as whites are being beaten down by ever higher taxes and 'random' violent crime, as if they were some curdled milk stain that needs to be wiped clean from the face of the earth. 
Keep in mind that whites in South Africa once voted in favor of democracy and an end to apartheid.  Anyone back then who predicted that things would turn out the way they have in fact turned out was thought by many of the 'racially enlightened' to be a foaming-at-the-mouth racist. 
Today in South Africa many advise drivers new to the area that when they are moving through a neighborhood, no matter how nice and orderly it might first appear, when they reach an intersection and find the stoplight is red, if there is no cross-traffic, they should put the pedal to the metal and shoot through that intersection, because if they stop there is an excellent chance they and/or their car will be hijacked by street thugs. 
If you are white, welcome to your future. If you are nonwhite living in a nation that is temporarily majority-white, welcome to your poorer, more violent future.