Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why Did Asians Vote for Obama?

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Why Asians Vote Democrat

An alternative to the "Everybody Hates Whitey" thesis

Colin Liddell, Alternative Right, 11/22/2012

"Much of what happened in the recent US presidential election – ethnic minorities swinging the vote, the continuing lack of White consciousness and growing apathy – is perfectly understandable and fits well within what we already know. But there was also something that didn’t quite make sense, namely the surprisingly high Asiatic vote for Obama. Although this is not a new trend, at this election it hit new heights with a higher percentage of Asians (73%) voting for Obama than Hispanics (71%). This is surprising because in the great post-racial utopia that America is supposed to be, Asians sound like typical Republicans ..."

     All well done. Hope Colin will be writing on Asia more often. I remember once hearing that the Japanese have a saying that the one nail with its head sticking up will be hammered back down. So best to keep your head down and peacefully conform. But a couple of quibbles. 

     I don't think that voting against whites in part because they are white necessarily needs to rise to the level of "hate." That is sort of from the liberal playbook. Undoubtedly many people hate us, but the racial factor, favoring one's own people, does not have to rise to that level. 

     Also, with the West's--shall we all recite it together?--history of colonialism, exploitation, aggression and the 'humiliations' that many Asians feel they suffered at our hands--s
eriously, there are understandable reasons for resentment, but Asia, like people everywhere, has its own historical sins--it is not unimaginable that they would feel some residual in-group out-group gratification to see us knocked down a peg or two. 

     But I think the overall theory is a pretty good one. One way to test it would be to look at the considerable number of elections that have already taken place on the state and local level where blacks and Latinos have won and see if Asians have tended to vote with the majority of those around them, in keeping with social harmony, regardless of race.