Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yes on Green Tech No on Algae for Brains

"PICKET: Report - Algae as bio-fuel in large scale production will fail

... In late February, at the University Miami in Coral Gables, Fla., President Barack Obama touted how remarkable it would be if the United States could "grow" it's own energy through the algae plant .. Science Online recently reported that the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academies released a new report saying that "large-scale production of biofuels from algae is untenable with existing technology. would require the use of too much water, energy, and fertilizer."  --Kerry PicketThe Washington Times, 10/31/2012

Some of these green technologies may very well help, but the underlying problem is ever-increasing overpopulation, especially in the United States, driven by legal and illegal in-migration, counting offspring, running up against ever-decreasing amounts of once bountiful relatively cheap natural resources. A good example is recycling, which is a fine thing. But if you continue to expand and expand recycling, eventually you will run into burning up more energy and other resources in recycling than if you had just tossed everything into a landfill. Humans just don't want to hear that there are any limits on their activities, hence the many locations in the world today where advanced civilizations once flourished in lush natural settings that are now ruins of rubble in an environmental wasteland. 

In truth, facing environmental limits is not at all depressing, once you face them. It is like growing up and realizing that you are never going to be Superman or Batman. Then you see that you have all sorts of exciting prospects when it comes to what you can creatively accomplish with your real life in the real world.