Friday, November 2, 2012

Bye California Thanks to Open-Borders Elites

California, Here We Stay
Reasons not to flee an imploding state

"The four-part solution for California is clear ... and stop the flow of illegal aliens." --City Journal, Autumn 2012

If only. Victor Davis Hanson knows tons about California, but there is a lot of general ignorance out there. Although areas like Hollywood and Berkeley have been on the Left for a long time, California was not so many decades ago a pretty conservative state. I grew up in the suburbs of L.A. when it had a conservative mayor. Many families had moved there for military and automotive jobs from the Midwest and the South. Hence there were clear California majorities that repeatedly voted into office such flaming liberals as Nixon and Reagan. 

In fact there are still some very large geographic areas of California that are firmly 'red,' amassed together larger than some states. 

The problem is not that Californians have not been opposed to illegal in-migration-- and Dr. Hanson has nicely itemized some of their efforts--but that they have been thwarted at every turn. 

What Californians have been up against has been a federally supported third-world invasion of the United States, and California has had the deadly geographic luck to be right at the front door of that onslaught, for decades.

Obviously as the state has become more third-word, its politicians have moved farther to the Left to satisfy that services-hungry clientele. Add to that the mushrooming third-world demographic electing increasing numbers of their own, and the current condition of California really isn't all that mysterious.  

America absolutely must get its borders under control, but even if that happens soon by some political miracle, differential birthrates--yes, even if whites start having more kids--will make California ever more third-world, but only in the vanguard of what all of the United States will soon, in world history terms, become. 

Regardless of high taxes, excessive government regulation, Democratic unions and other serious problems, California, and then the rest of the U.S., will begin to look more and more like South Africa, with whites taking refuge in wealthier high-walled enclaves, guarded by private security firms devoted to trying to keep out the savage 'random' violence of the Third World, temporarily. 

Only some sort of national political, hopefully peaceful voter revolution, involving repatriation, could turn all of this around. More likely there will eventually be in the United States a white successionist movement on the county level, preferably also peaceful. 

This devastating third-world invasion has been going on for many decades, directly against the will of the majority of American voters, a majority confirmed by poll after poll, in every state of the union, including California.