Friday, November 2, 2012

Obama Schlafly & Coming Civil Wars?

DECKER: 5 Questions with Phyllis Schlafly--Brett M. Decker, Washington Times, 11/01/2012

'Obama is working to build one nation under coercive secularism’

Perhaps, but Obama has a strange way of showing it, throwing America's borders open to every religion under the sun, most of which will ignore secularism, just as the future teeming non-Christians in the U.S. will ignore Christianity. Maybe these secular liberal humanist utopians believe that if we have countless religions, cultures and races fracturing and splintering America, it is they who will have their power secured, because they will be ever more needed to piously bustle around monitoring and mollifying all these conflicting groups. But this assumes that these alien populations will give a fig about a monitoring system--its elective bodies, its laws, its courts, everything from environmentalism,volunteerism, entrepreneurialism, to the semi-orderly highway system, massive university and research systems and semi-pristine national parks, wildlife and wilderness systems--that rests upon a foundation growing out of the Western tradition. They will not.

'The establishment and moneyed Republicans have been co-opted by special-interest groups whose lobbyists believe that globalism is the wave of the future and that sovereignty is an anachronism.'

Bravo to Phyllis. This is why we need a large third party, or a larger second party that will knock aside the GOP, or a takeover of the Republican Party by actual conservatives and radical traditionalists. Saving Western civilization is too important a task to be entrusted to a GOP that is just sort of a watered-down sellout-your-aunt-Peg-for-an-extra-peso open-borders globalist Democratic Party.