Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Identitarian Convention Shocking Lack of Hate

Remaking a People

A report from Bloc Identitaire’s Convention

Roman Bernard, AltRight, 11/27/2012

"France’s Bloc Identitaire (Identitarian Bloc) held its convention at the beginning of November in Orange, Provence. This was just two weeks after the party’s youth movement Génération Identitaire memorably stormed the construction site of the Poitiers mosque. Poitiers, located in Central-Western France, is near the actual site of the Battle of Tours (referred to as the “Battle of Poitiers” by French historians) in 732 A.D., when Charles Martel, “Mayor of the Palace,” turned back the Islamic advance in Western Europe.
"Because of the scandal aroused by this masterful operation, the convention was overcrowded: 800 people came, and there were of course lots of journalists looking for 'proof' of the evilness of the Identitarian activists. So far they've been disappointed. The young militants of this ten-year-old party are decent, educated and well-behaved people, instead of the swastika-waving skinheads that the reporters were hoping for. ...
"The other interesting round table brought together young men from all over Europe, with, among others, a Nordic Fleming, an Alpine Austrian and a Mediterranean Catalan, thus showing the real diversity displayed by the White race, and the ability of young Europeans to overcome the past wars between European nations to unite and confront the mortal dangers Europe faces today: demographic swamping, Islamic colonization and the erasure of what remains of the European culture. ...
"It is not specific countries that are under attack, but European civilization itself. More importantly, we are not attacked for what our ancestors did (this is a mere pretext, and the history of slavery and colonization is more a concern for guilt-obsessed SWPLs [stuff white people like] than for Third World immigrants, who hardly know anything about it) but for what we are."