Saturday, July 15, 2017

VDare - Friedrich Zauner: Is It Too Late For Germany? - "Maybe" says this German writer

Tübingen is one of the most charming towns in Germany. Romantic poets like Friedrich Hölderlin and Eduard Mörike and philosophers like Hegel and Schelling once lived there. The historical center was not damaged at all during WW II. Today it is a town of 90,000 inhabitants, of which more than 20,000 are students. They enjoy a much higher quality of life than most Germans. Go there if you want to get a glimpse of how Germany was—and to understand howmass immigration is destroying it.
“Tübingen was one of those towns in which women could move without fear. Unfortunately, this changed,” says Mayor Boris Palmer. The reason has the face of a 21 year old African immigrant who has been arrested on suspicion of rape in at least four cases.
He comes from Gambia and he has no chance of obtaining asylum. Yet he and another hundred African immigrants living in Tübingen have been tolerated for years and years by the authorities. ...